内存限制:256 MiB 时间限制:1000 ms 标准输入输出
题目类型:传统 评测方式:文本比较


对于一个 n 阶排列 p ,我们建立一张无向简单图 G(p) ,有 n 个节点,标号从 1 n ,每个点向左右两侧最近的比它大的点以及比它小的点连边。
形式化地,在 G(p) 中, \forall u<v ,边 (u,v) 存在当且仅当以下四个条件至少一个成立:

  • p_u<p_v ,且不存在 u<i<v 满足 p_u<p_i
  • p_u>p_v ,且不存在 u<i<v 满足 p_u>p_i
  • p_u<p_v ,且不存在 u<i<v 满足 p_i<p_v
  • p_u>p_v ,且不存在 u<i<v 满足 p_i>p_v

现在在所有的 n 阶排列中随机选择一个排列 p ,请求出 G(p) 中三元简单环的期望个数,答案对 998244353 取模。

For an n -order permutation p , we set up an undirected simple graph G(p) with n vertices numbered from 1 to n . We create an edge between each vertice i and the nearest vertices in each side which correspond a greater (or less) p value than p_i .
Formally,in this graph, \forall u<v , the edge (u, v) exists iff at least one of the following four conditions hold:

  • p_u<p_v , and no u<i<v exists such that p_u<p_i ;
  • p_u>p_v , and no u<i<v exists such that p_u>p_i ;
  • p_u<p_v , and no u<i<v exists such that p_i<p_v ;
  • p_u>p_v , and no u<i<v exists such that p_i>p_v .

Now we randomly choose a permutation p from all n -order permutations. Your task is to calculate the expected number of the 3 -cycles in G(p) . You only need to output the answer modulo 998244353 .


一行一个正整数 n

The only line contains a positive integer n which means the order of the permutation.


一行一个整数 \mathrm{ans} 表示答案。

Output only one line,which contains an integer \mathrm{ans} which means the expected number of the 3 -cycles in G(p) modulo 998244353 .


样例输入 1


样例输出 1


样例解释 1

在所有 n! 种排列中共有 4 个三元简单环( \{1,3,2\},\{2,3,1\},\{2,1,3\},\{3,1,2\} 各一个),所以答案为 \frac{4}{3!}=\frac{2}{3} ,即 2\times 3^{-1} \pmod{998244353}=665496236

样例输入 2


样例输出 2


Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1


Sample Explanation 1

It is easy to count that there are four 3 -cycles in total from the 3! permutations(each of \{1,3,2\},\{2,3,1\},\{2,1,3\},\{3,1,2\} has one). So answer is \frac{4}{3!}=\frac{2}{3} ,that is, 2\times 3^{-1} \pmod{998244353}=665496236 .

Sample Input 2


Sample Output 2



对于所有数据, 1\le n<998244353


Subtask # 分值(百分比) n
1 15 \le 10
2 20 \le 100
3 40 \le 10^6
4 15 \ge 998000000
5 10 -

For all test cases, 1\le n<998244353 .

Detailed constraints and hints are as follows (blank grids denote the same constraints as mentioned above):

Subtask # Score (percentage) n
1 15 \le 10
2 20 \le 100
3 40 \le 10^6
4 15 \ge 998000000
5 10 -