旧岁的辉煌或不堪已然不复,120 年的真实也已成过眼云烟。
新春已至,LibreOJ 也将辞旧迎新,并为大家举办一场盛大的戊戌新年赛。
本次比赛将使用每道题分值不同的 IOI 赛制。
本次比赛同样有 LibreOJ 纪念品等待大家,Good luck & have fun!
- 时间 2018 年 2 月 22 日,星期四,大年初七,晚上 18:00 ~ 22:15
- 时长 4 小时 15 分钟
- 题数 6
- 赛制 IOI,每道题分值不同
- Rated
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
总分 |
500 |
750 |
1000 |
1500 |
2000 |
2250 |
8000 |
如遇到测评状态 Judgement Failed System Error Invalid Interaction No Testdata Unknown 等,请立即与管理员联系。
IOI 赛制取每题得分最高的一次提交计算总分。
- (19:00) 由于国际网络线路出现问题,从国内访问 LibreOJ 不稳定,受此影响,比赛延时 15 分钟。
- (19:23) F 题原本的样例 2 数据范围错误,已删除。
- (22:00) D 题 Subtask #4 原数据不符合数据范围,已修改数据并重测。
赛事答疑请加 QQ 群:631401747
The night falls usually, while the street lights are shining;
The new year came quietly, with the bells of temples ringing.
The splendours and hardships of the bygones has faded away, rendering centuries of reality as transient as fleeting clouds;
And the uncertainties and probabilities of the future is yet to come, making the shared offing between you and me.
The Lunar New Year is here! Out with the old, in with the new, LibreOJ is holding a grand contest for the Year of Wuxu.
The round will be similar to a normal Codeforces Div.1 round in difficulty. We have picked some interesting ideas for this round, and partial-score subtasks will be available. We believe that all participants can get quite a bit from them.
The round will be held on IOI rules with no submission limit, the scores of different problems will be different.
Conventionally, participants have chances to get LibreOJ souvenirs. Good luck and have fun!
Detailed information on the round is as follows.
Basic Information
Scores for individual tasks are as follows. Note that during the contest, the feedback will be given in percentages instead of actual values.
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Total |
500 |
750 |
1000 |
1500 |
2000 |
2250 |
8000 |
So far most of the contents (problems and announcements) on the site are in Chinese only, but the problems of this round will be available in both English and Chinese. As long as the menu bars are in English things are working well.
Notice that the updates of the contest will be announced here.We are sorry that we don't have alert messages on pages,so please refresh this contest page to get updated information.
If you have any questions about the contest,please use discussion or comment here.
The register email of LibreOJ is in simplified Chinese, but don't worry, you only need to click the link in it to complete your registration.
You do not need to register for a contest on LibreOJ. Every submitter is regarded as a participant.
- (19:00) The contest is extended by 15 minutes because of network problems.
- (19:23) The old sample #2 of problem F didn't satisfy the data limit,it has been deleted.
- (22:00) The test data of the subtask #4 of problem D didn't satisfy the data limit,it has been fixed and rejudged.